Well, this is my first "ever" blog, so please excuse me for violating the rules, if any! ;) For many years, I have been tempted to finally start doing my blog, and now I finally found the guts to do so! Anyway, today I am gonna write about the fest of ma college that was recently concluded, and to which I had an important part to play.
For those of you who've not been to a college just yet, A fest is a celebration of completion of another one year....different colleges are invited and they all compete for various events....and join in for celebrating a success! In a nutshell....a fest wud mean days of non-stop fun and masti, with some inter-college competitions thrown in between!
So, What was my role in the current fest? To start the whole story....I am in my final year of engg, and so, this was my last chance to do something, as this was my last fest....bcoz after this, who knows wats coming next! Anyway, I applied for 2 posts....one was to be the head of "written arts", that means I will be incharge of debates and declas and stuff....a rather boring thing to do....and I had been a part of it for the last 3 years. Lol! second was to be the head of the controls....and that means that I would have been responsible for the entire thing....from gathering people to inviting people....from starting the fun to ensuring the masti....
I appeared for both the interviews....The written arts thing was into my kitty from the word GO, I knew I had it the moment I stepped into the room. And ya, I was selected as the head of Written Arts! The real deal was the interview for being the controls head....I nailed every interviewer by speaking what I was meant to....and so I was called back for another round of interview....and so were 5 other boys....
A long interview, where everyone bajaoed me completely....and where I, at a point, started thinking as If I was in the auditions for Roadies, was now over. I had my doubts, and they became true the next day....I was just the head for Written Arts! I a bit disappointed at first, but then I settled for what I had....and stopped crying for what I didn't. I took up the job pretty seriously, and came up with something new, and innovative! I was pretty sure to take written arts from the ashes of the "geeky zone" into the lights of the "freaky zone".
I decided to choose a good quality of people as my team, and I did. More than 75 people turned up to be the members of my team, and so I had to keep an interview round for them....Man! It was all fun! I finally came down to 37, and I felt as if I had done a pretty good job. Then came the job of distributing different events to different people....I had in all 14 events, and now, distribution wasn't easy....and everybody wanted to take care of the exciting events....I tried my level best to justify their inner guts, and tried my level best to justify mine as well ;)
Then began the era of making a time plan, and fighting with the controls people to get the desired venues....when it comes to written arts' events, there is no 1, and I mean no 1, who is willing to provide a slot for its events in the Auditorium or the Quadrangle....because that's where most people come....and that's what mostly attracts attention....and the crowd! After a long fight and hot discussions....I was finally granted 4 slots....1 in the auditorium, and 3 in the Quadrangle. Sigh!
Soon the D-day came....21st February, 2008....I had a couple of my events lined up....but everything started after the inaug....and when Zeenat Aman was supposed to inaugurate the occasion, even I felt weak in my knees and took a seat in the auditorium! Wow! She sure is pretty! More surprises were on my way soon....I was asked to interview her by the head of College press, and Man! I was like WOW! Ms. Zeenat is kind, and she was talking to me....forget the others in the room!!!! Lol! I was spell-bound, and ya, Nervous! But it went smoothly....and the best part part was that I was asked to sit next to her twice....once by her secretary, and then by Ms. Zeenat herself....But I still chose to stand, I don't know what I was thinking....Or was I actually not!!!! Who knows....I was with Zeenat Aman! Hehe! It wasn't the first time I was interviewing a celebrity, I had done it earlier for Bombay Vikings back in 2007, and for Euphoria back in 2006. But every time, I get goose bumps, and the excitement! I guess that is what makes it special!!!! I was singing the McDonald's Jingle in my Heart, "I'm Loving it!"
Soon I was brought down to the earth, and I realised that it finally was "SHOW TIME"....and ya, I did get into ACTION! My first day events were rockingly successful....attracting participants and audiences' alike....the one thing I was doubtful about! Anyways....everything was going on smoothly, when suddenly I get the news that there are no participants for one of my event....and I was shocked. I tried to retain ma cool, and started making announcements using the radio jockey, and ya, a little bit of bribe helped a lot! Lol! Things moved swiftly for that day....Silk Route were to perform that night, and I, being a Head, was allowed to enter the ground while they were rehearsing....I felt proud and honoured! Lol! The first day rocked, but ya, I was so damn tired....exhausted is also a degree smaller than what I want to use here! I was about to leave at 11:30 PM, when I got a call saying that all heads were to assemble for a meeting, and I was like "Yeah Right!"....but had to go....and then it came down to that moment! An event was cancelled that day because of the lack of time, and those guys wanted a slot on the 3rd day....and ya, 3rd day being the final day....I had 3 of my events in the Quadrangle, and 1 in the auditorium, and I whispered, "Oh Shit!" I knew they were gonna ask me for my slot, and yea, I was right....even the chairman asked me to give them a slot....I tried to fight....but didn't win....I settled for the crumb when I was being offered the entire cake! Lol! The day finally ended, and I was in my bed....Finally!
The next morning came in quite fast....and I was again on ma feet....and upbeat and running! The second day was a little relaxing....had to deal with only 5 events, and every one did go well! One of the events called JAM had an issue when participants decided to quit while we were at it....and that was because of a wrong decision by the judge....but then we settled it....they left anyways....and later came to me with a chocolate! Hehe....I just admired the gratitude! Lol! That night was when I met Juggy D, and DJ Sumit Sethi....though I cudnt interact with apna Juggy Paaji, I sure had a word, and loads of it, with DJ Sumit....This guy is so down to earth. I asked him for an autograph, and he goes like "No autographs yaar, we are all friends!" Hehe.He was impressed when I recognised his shoes' brand as "Gucci", and then it was time when he started saying, "Gagan yaar....bahut mehange aa gaye....for 35 thousand Bucks!"....and then he asked me a question, "Gagan....ek baat bata....am I dressed well?" And I was like, "WOT? You look very Hot sir!" Lolzzzz! But this guy is pretty amazing and very talented. He is simply not a DJ alone, he is a musician and a performer too. And ya, he sure showed the crowed a few Moves....:) And that is pretty amazing. It was like the most fun I had ever had! Truly! After they performed and left, I was like floating....I was tired and sleepy and hungry! I had my food, sat with the management in the meeting, and then left....and ya, when I returned and checked the clock, It was 1 AM!
The third and the final day began softly....and then gradually gained its momentum. No technicalities as such for me....I knew I was doing a fine Job! And then came the time of decision making....One of the events very appropriately titled, "Lead India" fell short of participants, and only 20 showed up....we were supposed to have a written test as an elimination round, but then, what is the point of eliminating when there are only 20 people???? And so....I declared that we are not going to have eliminations after the first round....This decision was opposed and not liked by my sub-heads, and some participants alike....but I was firm, and stood by what I had said....this decision soon started seeming as a wrong one for me....it was almost 2 hrs, and we were still not done with half of the people yet....and the next event was to be held in the same room....I chose to decide once again, with the help of Shiv (My Best friend, and sub-head) ofcourse, and changed the venue of the upcoming event....everything then suddenly settled....Lead India went on for almost 5 hours, and attracted the praises of everyone! It was by far the best event that took place....let me not count JAM in for its hype was merely controversial! Baatuni, the hindi version of JAM was again controversial, not because the participants walked off....but because there weren't any participants at all! Now that is just sad....and a little effort brought in a total of 6 blabbers!
By the end of it, I was done with my events, and now awaited for the announcement of what team was the best! I had some really good chances, because I knew that every one in my team had done a fairly good job, and so I was anxious....and ya, when the announcement was made, I was sad and disappointed, for it was given to the Hospitality people....But it was OK....I knew "Jo dikhta hai, wahi bikta hai" and so I settled with whatever I had! But the real surprise was yet to come! Some people from a different college came to me and asked if they could have a picture with me....awww! That was so sweet, and such a huge complement for me in itself!!!! Then later, some more people came and said thanks for all my help....I was like WOW....and then....the best part is still to come....2 guys came and gave me roses saying, "We don't care if its hospitality or whatever, we just want to say that you were the best!" And that was all I ever wanted to hear! All these guys are still in touch, and so am I....for one hardly gets to meet such genuine people....who appreciate what you do....rather than what you want to!
That night my cell phone kept beeping....for I was getting messages like anything....people were thanking me, and I was thanking them in return, for it was because of them that all this was possible....It was the best feeling....Simply The Best!
To tell the truth, I think I would have fallen big time had it not been the constant support of my Sub-heads and my team members....each and everyone was extremely supportive and helpful....and I take pride in saying that each and everyone also got a heavy dose of my anger! :p But it was fun....every moment of that entire thing was totally worth it....all the troubles, and the tiredness and the pains....all worth it! And when it comes to thanking my team, how can I forget to thank my Faculty incharge....General Nikhil Kumar was less of a faculty, and more of a friend to me during the entire episode. Whenever there was a tough time....he was there to sort it all out....Yes, I am proud he was my faculty incharge, and yes, I sure am proud that I built a nice team, and that my team supported me at all times, and ya, I so am proud that I met a whole bunch of people just like me....
And for the people who are still thinking of venturing into unknown waters....please go ahead and try it....you never know what's in store for you....you might end up discovering a treasure chest for all you know!
Not a gift
1 year ago