Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Nostalgia

Ever wondered what would you give to go back in time – to undo what has already been done? A few days ago, I would have said who cares about the past – Ask me now, and the answer would turn out to be two worlds apart. The justification is simple and straight-forward: a few days ago, I was amongst the people I love the most in the world – the people I know would do absolutely anything for me. And today, I am in a place where I need to spot people who barely match my frequency – and trust me – that ain’t easy!


As I reach the ‘Land of Dreams’, I figure I should be excited. It’s a new place – a new life – a chance of a lifetime…but as I travel in the cab gazing at the scenic beauty of this place, I wonder if it’s all worth it. I know it’s gonna be – am not denying it – not even one bit – but right now – at this precise moment – I doubt! For the people are different, and the place a surprise at every corner. I just wish it to be alright – to get it over with – to be home again – to be back to the feeling of not caring about the past.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The ‘Saturday’ Night

The 'Saturday' Night

It's Saturday night, I'm ironing my shirts. Oh, don't feel sorry for me. I do go out, at odd times, when other people work, when you work, when you think your girlfriend is at work. Don't blame me. It's just a thing she does, like scratching herself shortly after she wakes up. It is inconsequential: She's still sitting next to you on the couch, although we have met earlier today. But you know, the real difference between the two of us is knowledge. I know how she smells, but you will never know how I smell, because she tells me not to wear cologne when we meet.

So because I didn't answer your message, you think I'm arrogant, you're good-looking and you know it, you say. I'll tell you something: You don't know anything. You don't know how much it costs to be me. Not financially, dear me, no, although those polo shirts are indeed quite expensive. No, I'm talking about emotional costs. Do you know how hard it is to keep up the attitude, to pretend everything's cool when you would like to scream? But i can't scream, the people I hang out with would not like that. So I keep smiling and pretending, and I keep laughing at you, because it keeps me from crying.

Finally Crescendo. Can you feel the music swelling, the lights brightening? It's the moment I've been waiting for, all those long hours at the gym, in front of mirrors, at the barber's, at clothing stores and in my bathroom. And when you look at me, bewildered, admiring, fascinated, I look at her, straight into her eyes. Yes, it's been worth all that. I got her. This moment may be ephemeral, and yet it's eternal: It's my moment of glory, the light I bask in, even when I'm back home on a Saturday night, ironing my shirts.

Friday, September 30, 2011

My Mood Series - The 'Farewell' Edition


My friends, no one, not in my situation, can appreciate how I feel at this parting. Over the past few days, People have asked me how I feel about all of this….they say that it must be sad leaving behind so many friends....or at least Bitter Sweet. And I wonder, Can miles truly separate you from friends... If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there? Because the friends I made will be with me through sickness and in health. I am certain of it. And so I say, No…It’s Not Bitter…It’s all sweet.

I have come across some extra-ordinary people in the last 3 years of my life…they are amazing thinkers, superbly talented individuals – but above all – excellent human beings. And I have been nothing but honored to have gotten an opportunity to know them, and work with them. And that’s why I owe everything to this place and to the kindness of its people. I am humbled by their humanity, and am extremely thankful for all the love that they have shown towards me.

Hence, My Mood Today: In Deep Gratitude

When I was a kid, I read this Dr. Seuss Book where Horton the elephant, on saying Good Bye to the Mayor, and to the spec universe he just helped save, says, “Don’t Cry because it’s over, Smile because it happened.” And that’s exactly what I intend to do today. Let’s not cry because it’s over…let’s simply smile because it happened.

Having said that, I hope you will continue to love me the way you always have and remember me in times of Joy and sorrow. I know that we will be parted by distance, but with technology heaving on almost everything, proximity isn’t just accountable anymore. We can, and will, connect online at: or on Facebook! And if you’re blogger, be sure to read about me at my Blog. Or better still….just GOOGLE me! ;)

Yes, it’s time for me to say Farewell….but No, I will not say Good Bye…I will just say, “Until we meet again.”
To God be the glory.

Your friend for Life,

P.S: This is the LAST one! :D
P.P.S: Owing to Huge amount of competition in the market, the telephone companies have slashed their prices…so feel free to call, whenever - wherever @ 09739398480, until advised otherwise!
P.P.P.S: You can count on me, like One Two Three, I’ll be there, and I know when I need it I can count on you, like four three two, And You’ll be there…’cause that’s what friends are supposed to do, Oh YEAH!
P.P.P.P.S: Kyun? Kyunki har ek friend zaroori hota hai! ;)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Mood Series: S3E9 - Victor!

Hi and Good Morning.

Welcome to My World! This is Edition # 9 of “My Mood Series: Season 3

There are two kinds of Managers in this world – One, the kind who takes all the credit to themselves, leaving behind his team of dedicated hard-workers who did all the real work and keep them in the dark, and Two – the kind who believes his strength lies in the strength of his team, and his talent in theirs. I am honored to be working under the latter category of Bosses, and Boy! Am I glad! In my last few days at work here, I just wanted to tell him that he is simply awesome, and that I look up to him – for everything. It is for people like him that I, and most of you, love to wake up every morning and show up for work at their very best! And that’s because they make you feel like a winner – a Victor!

Hence, My Mood Today: Victor!

Charles Wilson, former US Secretary of Defense, once quoted, “A good boss makes his men realize they have more ability than they think they have so that they consistently do better work than they thought they could”. I am glad and relieved that I feel absolutely the same way! J

Have a great day Guys!

P.S: This edition was supposed to come out yesterday, but some wise men blocked my Outbox. My Apologies! J
P.P.S: Just 2 More to go! J

Monday, September 26, 2011

My Mood Series: S3E8 - Blessed!

Hi and Good Morning.

Welcome to My World! This is Edition # 8 of “My Mood Series: Season 3

In a lifetime, one meets several people and over the due course of time, forms a bond with them – A bond that tightens and grows stronger with time and proximity, and empowers to go out of one’s self, and appreciate whatever is noble and loving in another. It is indeed one of God’s best gifts, friends that is. I felt that power when my friends recently pulled off a Surprise Farewell Spectacular for me, and I was completely thrown off guard. That was the moment when I fully – truly – deeply felt Blessed.

Hence, My Mood Today: Blessed!

A very wise Novelist Charles Kingsley once said, “A blessed thing it is for any man or woman to have a friend, one human soul whom we can trust utterly, who knows the best and worst of us, and who loves us in spite of all our faults”. I am just glad to have so many…and Thank God for that! J

Have a great day Guys!

P.S: My last Monday in Bangalore! J

Friday, September 23, 2011

My Mood Series: S3E7 - In High Spirits!

Hi and Good Morning.

Welcome to My World! This is Edition # 7 of “My Mood Series: Season 3

The Oxford Dictionary defines the word “Team” as a group of individuals that have the ability to work together toward a common mission – a mission that is important to the common interests of the individuals involved in the team. Such was our mission when we headed out to one of the amusement parks yesterday for a Team-Building Event. And Boy! Was the mission accomplished or what! I had an awesome time – of course, it could have been better had a-certain-few also joined us – but it was a fantastic day – One of those days after which you feel tired, yet fantastic – as if you are in high spirits.

Hence, My Mood Today: In High Spirits!

Teams are certainly a significant part of your growth as an individual, but what is even more significant is to have excellent individuals as a part of your team. It becomes the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. I am blessed with a wonderful group that I can proudly call My Team – I know I will be an Ex member soon enough – but the memories will definitely live forever! Now that’s a High-Spirited thought! J

Have a great day Guys!

P.S: Only 5 more to go! J

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Mood Series: S3E6 - Satisfied!

Hi and Good Morning.

Welcome to My World! This is Edition # 6 of “My Mood Series: Season 3

For people who set out of the comforts of their homes to go to an all new city for work would know this: The people you choose to stay with become your family at that place, for as long as you’re there. They become important – because they become the most critical source of contact for you – no matter what happens. They, indeed, become your support system at the new place – and in the new life that you’ve chosen for yourself. I, too, am blessed with wonderful people around me. And last night, we three cracked up like crazy on something that on any other regular day would have been just mundane! I felt a feeling of Satisfaction – that I was at the right place, with the right people – that I was Home!

Hence, My Mood Today: Satisfied!

Good Roommates become a blessing for anyone who has them. It does create a fun sense of family…and that’s something that is important to everyone. Things can get very lonely without it, and that’s the last thing anyone would ever want. They give you a certain feeling of satisfaction – that everything is alright – a feeling that only a hot bubble bath was known to provide! :D

Have a great day Guys!

P.S: Only 7 more to go! J

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Mood Series: S3E5 - Rejuvenated!

Hi and Good Morning.

Welcome to My World! This is Edition # 5 of “My Mood Series: Season 3

For every one who has been to Bangalore at least once in their lifetime is most definitely aware of one thing: That the weather here is absolutely fantastic. And why wouldn’t it rains almost every day, and the breeze is as cool and soothing as a cucumber on the face on a hot sunny day - REFRESHING! J  So for anyone who is asked the question of what they’ll miss the most when leaving this city….there is one common answer – The Weather! I, too, am smitten by what the city has to offer in terms of its weather – for I love the rains, and so, it is like a honeymoon destination for me – as far as the weather is concerned (ONLY! :D). This city makes me feel – umm, what’s the word – Ah! Rejuvenated!

Hence, My Mood Today: Rejuvenated!

The very wise German Poet ‘Goethe’ once exclaimed, “We must always change, renew and rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden”. And stoned and hardened at the heart is the last thing anyone would want to be – no matter what!

Have a great day Guys!

P.S: Only 8 more to go! J


Monday, September 19, 2011

My Mood Series: S3E4 - Hopeful

Hi and Good Morning.


Welcome to My World! This is Edition # 4 of “My Mood Series: Season 3


The only day in the week that brings about a major mood swing in almost everybody has to be a Monday. The reason is simple: You work through the previous week thinking that you’d get the weekend to relax…but when the weekend arrives…you have plans to party. Therefore, all the frustration comes out when you get up and get ready for work on a Monday morning. I felt the same way today, but then I had an epiphany…if I get through today….I will have one less Monday to worry about. So, I decided I wouldn’t be negative…I would, instead, be hopeful that the weekend arrives early…and that it brings along a lot of Joy.


Hence, My Mood Today: Hopeful!


A grumpy face affects not only you, but everyone you encounter throughout the day. Why take the burden of ruining their day, when you can simply make yours better by smiling and being hopeful. Smile, and see how the face next to you lights up. J


Have a Great Monday Guys!



P.S: Only 9 more to go! J

Saturday, September 17, 2011

My Mood Series: Season 3 - Edition # 3

Hi and Good Morning.

Welcome to My World! This is Edition # 3 of “My Mood Series: Season 3

Once upon a time, when I was a little boy…I was told that I needed to study hard in school so that when I grow up, I won’t have to struggle as much. I was also told, that when I grow up and start working, there will be two days in a week where I would not be required to work, but still would be paid for. Those two days would be called “The Weekend!”.
Fast-forward to present day - and the calendar next to me reads: “17-September-2011, SATURDAY”, and I am in my office…Working! K

Hence, My Mood Today: Stunned!

I am not saying that it is bad to work … all I’m trying to point out to is the fact that this weekend doesn’t really count…I mean….why would it be called a Weekend unless you spend it doing something completely pointless! Think about it!

Have a Great (not) Saturday guys! :D


Friday, September 16, 2011

My Mood Series: Season 3 - Edition # 2

Hi and Good Morning.

Welcome to My World! This is Edition # 2 of the Brand New “My Mood Series: Season 3

There are times when you achieve something, and you are proud of yourself - you feel that there can be no other feeling that can top this. And then there comes a time when your best friend achieves something absolutely fantastic, and you immediately realize that this feeling is better than the one you had before! I had such enlightenment lately when my Best friend told me about something absolutely brilliant that he achieved … and I am simply happy and proud of him.

Hence, My Mood Today: Happy and Proud!

It is nice to tell your friend that you are there for him….at times of happiness, and of sorrow!

I read this beautiful line in ‘Winnie the Pooh’ recently about friendship and how having a friend beside you makes you feel. And I quote:

Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.  "Pooh!" he whispered.  "Yes, Piglet?".  "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh’s paw.  "I just wanted to be sure of you." J

Have a great “Happy & Friendly” day guys!


It Starts NOW! My Mood Series: Season 3 - Edition # 1

Hi and Good Morning.

Welcome to My World! This is edition # 1 of the Brand New "My Mood Series: Season 3"

For many months now, I have been constantly asked one common question: "Why did I stop drawing?" And all I could answer was: "I've been busy!" When the same question was last asked, I went into a dilemma…I was confused because the people who have been posing the same question again and again were all my well-wishers…they asked because they cared – about me – and about things that mattered to me. And I couldn't get hold of the feeling that was arousing in me… until yesterday! For it was a moment when I realized…that it was just Love that forced them to ask….it showed me that they cared….and I felt the happiest!

Hence, My Mood Today: Feeling Loved!

Yes, I feel exactly what Ms. Mary Ann Evans [aka George Eliot] once quoted: "I like not only to be loved, but also to be told I am loved". And I am glad that there are people who make me feel this way! Join me today, and tell people you love that you truly love them, for "if you could only love enough, you could be the most powerful person in the world."

Have a great day guys!


Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Hi and Good Morning,

For numerous days now, I have been forced, manipulated and even threatened to start another season of our very own “My Mood Series”. I had no plans or thoughts about it, but because of all the love that people showed and still show, I started to think about it. So here’s the deal…. Season 3 will only have 12 editions – each day getting intense as I approach my final day here. Day 13 will greet you with my ‘GoodBye to Infy’ Mail! J

So then, see you guys tomorrow! Season 3 is Officially ON!


Friday, May 27, 2011

Dignity at it’s Best!

The last time I was here and  wrote an entry…It was about Oprah and how she inspires me. And today, after almost 6 months of being inactive, I am back, and she, again, is the subject.

I just saw her farewell episode – after ruling the television industry for 25 years and inspiring several million people who tuned in every day to watch her – she finally ended “The Oprah Winfrey Show” with the final show which she said , "This, my last show, is my thank you. It's a love letter to you – my Audience”

I could not have possibly imagined a more dignified way for her to end her show…she simply talked to the viewers, with her life lessons, and credited all that she has achieved to the viewers, and to God! She repeatedly thanked everyone who had helped her through, and who hadn’t….for everyone is somehow connected to each other. This post is just to Thank Oprah for what she has done for me, and for millions of others… I know her ways have paved the path that many want to, and will, follow.

I had several “A-Ha” moments in the last hour of her show. She said some pretty amazing stuff…which stayed with me! She said, “each person is responsible for their lives – and for the energy they create for themselves and bring to others”. Pretty Powerful, huh!

“We often block our blessings because we don’t feel inheritably good enough or smart enough or pretty enough or worthy enough. You are worthy because you are born, and because you are here - and alive! Your being here and alive makes worthiness your birth right. You alone are enough. Feel worthy and own the life you were created for.”

She closed the conversation by saying how her audience has been a safe harbour for her and that she hoped they “will be a safe harbour for somebody else too...their safe place to fall. Do for them, what you all say the show did for you - connect , embrace, liberate, love somebody...just one person...and spread it to two...and many others...and see what happens. I thank you for being as much of a sweet inspiration for me, as I’ve tried to be for you.”

I know we won’t get to see her everyday now….but I also know that she will be back with some pretty amazing stuff…inspiring and touching the lives of many once again. Till then, I want to wish her all the best….and let her know that she made a difference to my life! Because “I will not say goodbye, I will just say, ‘Until we meet again!’” Love you Oprah! Smile

Oprah Farewell