Thursday, May 15, 2008

Blog Blog Blog....Or is it really that much awaited?

Its been quite sometime now that I wrote something on my space here. Well, time has always been of the essence, and I, being the lazy butt that I am, couldn't manage the most precious gift to mankind....Time itself!

Anyways, for the long time that I have been silent, there's been many people sitting on my throat and yelling to write something in the blog. And my question to them was...."WHAT????"!

I soon realised that Blogging was something you could start anywhere and anytime, and I thought to myself....What the crap! Why dont I just write what's on my mind? So, here I am, blabbering about almost nothing of grave importance!

So is blogging that much noticeable? Well....the last time I wrote a post, only the people I told about the blog took up the effort to read it, and I said to myself....what if I told no one about it? What if no one knew that I write! Then it came down to that moment....Will the essence of blogging remain? How will I even get a chance to connect with the millions of people around the globe who blog too? What is - as a freaky college bunker would say - the point of writing a blog?

So this is my thought today....well....not really a thought, but a question to all those who read this post. Tell me how do I connect with people via blogging? Does anyone, other than me and the people who care about me have any time to visit and read a total stranger's blog? Give it a shot....think about it....and matter what it is....but if you do, then I'll know for sure....that Blogging Does Work!