Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Things You Didn't Do

For many months that I have been writing posts and reading other blogger's' posts, I have come to realise that there is immense talent in people when it comes to penning down poetry. I mean, I, in particular, cannot write meaningful poetry no matter how hard I try....and this feeling really made me feel bad sometimes.

So lately, I was so tempted to write my very first version of a poem....this one does not tell about me, or anyone I know, and I want to dedicate this poem, or whatever you call it, to the bloggers whose poetic sense really inspires me, and makes me jealous (Truly)....some of whom are: V, Riversoul, Sameera, Pooja, Anusha, Lena, Anindita, Cinderella and finally Gunj - for she is the reason I started my blog in the first place.

No, this is not another TAG story - this is a mere dedication to the people who write beautiful poetry. I apologise if I forgot to mention any name here, it is certainly not intentional!

My poem is certainly not an original piece of work, it has been inspired from something I read nearly 15 years ago, and so if it sounds familiar, Please Excuse Me!

My poem is called "The Things You Didn't Do", and it goes something like this:


Do you remember the time when I spilled Strawberry Pie all over your favourite car rug?
I thought you would scream at me,
But You Didn't!

Do you remember the time when I wanted to go out, but you said "It would rain", and it did?
I thought you would say, "I told you so",
But You Didn't!

Do you remember the time when I forgot to tell you that the party was formal, and you showed up in casuals?
I thought you would stop talking to me,
But You Didn't!

Do you remember the time when I drove your car into the wall and damaged it?
I thought you would hit me,
But You Didn't!

Do you remember the time when I flirted with other guys just to make you jealous?
I thought you would stop loving me,
But You Didn't!

Yes, there were a lot of things that I thought you would do, but you didn't.
I wanted to tell you about how much I thought about you and cared about you and loved you.
Yes, I wanted to tell you all when you would return from the war,
But You Didn't!