Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Mood Series: S3E5 - Rejuvenated!

Hi and Good Morning.

Welcome to My World! This is Edition # 5 of “My Mood Series: Season 3

For every one who has been to Bangalore at least once in their lifetime is most definitely aware of one thing: That the weather here is absolutely fantastic. And why wouldn’t it be...it rains almost every day, and the breeze is as cool and soothing as a cucumber on the face on a hot sunny day - REFRESHING! J  So for anyone who is asked the question of what they’ll miss the most when leaving this city….there is one common answer – The Weather! I, too, am smitten by what the city has to offer in terms of its weather – for I love the rains, and so, it is like a honeymoon destination for me – as far as the weather is concerned (ONLY! :D). This city makes me feel – umm, what’s the word – Ah! Rejuvenated!

Hence, My Mood Today: Rejuvenated!

The very wise German Poet ‘Goethe’ once exclaimed, “We must always change, renew and rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden”. And stoned and hardened at the heart is the last thing anyone would want to be – no matter what!

Have a great day Guys!

P.S: Only 8 more to go! J


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