Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Mood Series: S3E9 - Victor!

Hi and Good Morning.

Welcome to My World! This is Edition # 9 of “My Mood Series: Season 3

There are two kinds of Managers in this world – One, the kind who takes all the credit to themselves, leaving behind his team of dedicated hard-workers who did all the real work and keep them in the dark, and Two – the kind who believes his strength lies in the strength of his team, and his talent in theirs. I am honored to be working under the latter category of Bosses, and Boy! Am I glad! In my last few days at work here, I just wanted to tell him that he is simply awesome, and that I look up to him – for everything. It is for people like him that I, and most of you, love to wake up every morning and show up for work at their very best! And that’s because they make you feel like a winner – a Victor!

Hence, My Mood Today: Victor!

Charles Wilson, former US Secretary of Defense, once quoted, “A good boss makes his men realize they have more ability than they think they have so that they consistently do better work than they thought they could”. I am glad and relieved that I feel absolutely the same way! J

Have a great day Guys!

P.S: This edition was supposed to come out yesterday, but some wise men blocked my Outbox. My Apologies! J
P.P.S: Just 2 More to go! J

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